Image of "Arrangement"

Cookie Ashton received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Texas Christian University with additional education at the Centro Bellas Artes in Maracaibo, Venezuela; the Instituto de Allende in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; the Glassell School in the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas; Les Illusiones School in Les Cerqueux, France; Parsons School of Design in Paris, France; the University of London–Chelsea Art School and the Slade School of Art  in London, England; as well as private instruction in Paris, France; and Denver, Colorado. Her award-winning work has been exhibited in North and South American and Europe.

Ashton, Cookie
Collection description
Baldock, Kate
Image of "Poppy No. 7"
Collection description
Becker, Elizabeth
Image of "The Swimmers'
Collection description
Behunek, Lawrence
Image of "Cellina"
Collection description
Brooke, Lara
Image of "Sparkle"
Collection description
Image of "Hepburn Double Portrait"
Collection description
Image of "Harbor Boats"
Collection description
Cuscuna, Lisa
Collection description
Dargan, Laura
Collection description
Davis, Joe
Collection description
Image of "Golden Rain"
Collection description
Ermilkina, Ekaterina
Collection description
Esley, Allison
Collection description
Fine, Deborah
Image of "Blue Butterflies"
Collection description
Gimpert, Lenore
Image of "Palm Beach. Morgenthal Fredericks Window Reflection"
Collection description
Hillebrand, Andrea
Collection description
Irion, Sue
Image of "Allegiant"
Collection description
Joseph, T.R.
Collection description
Kattman, Richard
Image of "Monstera Azul"
Collection description
Kiker, Jenny
Image of "Poker Face - Queen Elizabeth II"
Collection description
Laslo, Larry
Image of "Gauguin's Forest"
Collection description
Lee, Joon
Image of "The Enchanted Garden VI"
Collection description
Leroux, Marti
Collection description
Lundy, Nava
Image of "Gemstones 8"
Collection description
Neva, Moriya
Collection description
Odekerken, Peter
Image of "Blue Meets Green"
Collection description
Parker, Edith
Collection description
Penezic, Relja
Collection description
Image of "Shattered"
Collection description
Pierce, Missy
Collection description
Press, Cindy
Image of "New Flowers"
Collection description
Robinson, Robert
Image of "Sasha Fierce"
Collection description
Schaub, Jeff
Image of "Into Midnight"
Collection description
Scott, H.
Collection description
Sfara, Mara
Image of "Cymbidium VII"
Collection description
Sorensen, Ora
Collection description
Sturrett, Brittany
Collection description
Taylor, Evan
Image of "Silver Lakes"
Collection description
Image of "Mamba"
Collection description
Wenner, Kevin
Collection description
West, Mary
Collection description
Wolk, Michael